Serve on Sundays

Sign up here to be a part of Our Savior’s Sunday Worship as an Outdoor Greeter, Usher, Information Center Guide, Scripture Reader and Communion Servers.

Job Descriptions:

Ushers: One person will stand at each door and hand out the bulletins and welcome people as they arrive All three volunteers will usher people in/out of the pews for communion. 

Outdoor Greeters: Two people will welcome everyone while standing outside and opening doors as people enter. You may be needed to assist people as they exit their car. (Please do not try to lift anyone.) Umbrellas are provided to assist people from getting wet.


Information Center Guide: Stand at the Information Center, out in the Lobby to help assist people attending with any needed information.

Communion Servers: During the service, come forward so serve communion. Guidance will be provided upon request.

Scripture Reader: Receive the assigned scripture during the week, to be able to rehearse at home. Readers are called forward to read during the service.

Please review the available slots by clicking on the buttons to sign up. Thank you!