I'm New

What should I expect when visiting OSLC?

We are glad you're here

We understand that choosing where to worship is a big deal. Finding the right fit can be hard. And stepping into a new place can be intimidating. Please know that we will do our best to make you feel welcomed and loved.

Who, what, when, why, and How?

Answers to FAQ's

Hover over the tile for an answer.

What Kind of Church is OSLC?

Our Savior's Lutheran Church seeks to be a community united and guided by love, knowing that spiritual and emotional healing happens when Christ’s love works within us and within his body, the Church.

What Should I Wear?

There is no dress code at OSLC. Please come as you are and don't feel you have to dress up to gather in worship.

What Time Should I Arrive?

On Sundays, we have three services to allow for diversity in styles of worship. It's great to arrive a few minutes before the service!

What Does Worship Include?

Expect to encounter the Living God. How? Through His Word, through the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, from sacred music both traditional and modern; We are a community, far from perfect. But we gather in God's presence

What About My Children?

We love kids at OSLC. We want to support and encourage you to live into your God given role as parents. If you have infants—we love to have them in worship with us—and all the noises of praise that they make. Our Nursery is open for each service and for parents who want to take advantage of the adult learning in between services. Sunday School for children PreK - 5th Grade is held upstairs on most Sundays (September - May).

We can't wait to meet you!